Групповые занятия 1 - 2 раза в неделю по 2 часа.
Продолжительность курсов 1,5 - 2 месяца, 18 занятий (48 ак. часа).
Цена курса: 220 Евро (с НДС).
This course will provide students with a wide range of activities aimed at improving all four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking), needed to pass the IELTS examination.
Students will get useful information on what they are to expect during the exam: they will be given guidelines on how to deal with different types of tasks and specific questions.
The focus will go both on Grammar aspects, as well as on broadening students’ Vocabulary.
The main topics throughout the course will be:
- Likes and Dislikes
- Friends: Describing People
- Technology
- Sports: Thrill seekers
- Environment: Global problems and opportunities
- The future
- Education: The world of work and training
- Food
- Travel and Holidays
- Weather
- Health